Even though famines and migration took place disease explains why labor shortages existed. Jati and Varna are classifications of the traditional. No Religion Like Hinduism Worship Of Hindu Gods Is Not Religious Pur Foremost among the many Hindu gods and goddesses are the Holy Triad of Brahma Vishnu and Shiva the creator sustainer and destroyer of worlds in that order. . Excerpt from Essay. It is not limited to ancient India it is still prevalent today. Hinduism also has numerous gods and goddesses known as deva and devi who represent one or more of Brahmans aspects. In Hinduism Creation has fractal structure with repeated shapes. It highlights the most complex ethical dilemmas to take. According to the Vedic cosmogony of the golden egg Hiranyagarbha both gods and men have their origin in an impersonal primordial entity Rig Veda 10129The Brahmana texts add the appearance of a creator Prajapati from the golden egg Shatapatha